Engineering Geology and Geological Disaster Management

Geological Disaster Risk Management

The rapid development within the country has resulted in the opening of numerous new townships and settlements. The increasing urgency for development areas has led to encroachment into limited and sensitive territories. However, such a move exposes these terrains to disaster risks. Extreme weather exacerbates disasters such as landslides and mudflows, causing immense destruction.
JMG's expertise in natural earth processes, coupled with comprehensive mapping of geological disasters, provides a strong foundation for sustainable development planning. Conforming with the country's pledge to disaster risk management as per the 2005 Human Security World Summit Outcome and the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, JMG must enhance its expertise to offer crucial geoscience insights for development planning and support post-disaster recovery.

Engineering Geology and Geological Hazard Projects

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Slope Hazard Map and National Slope Risk Map Project (PBRC)

Requires the mapping of landslides which will serve as a fundamental component in the analysis for the production of hazard and slope risk maps.

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Critical Slope Monitoring Project

Engineering geological mapping is conducted to identify critical slopes and provide recommendations to stakeholders and local authorities for immediate mitigation
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Dam Safety Inspection

The inspection is achieved by analyzing satellite images and conducting engineering geological mapping to enable the identification of factors that may jeopardize the integrity of the dam structures and reservoir areas.

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Geological Disaster Investigation

Investigations conducted nationwide on rockfalls, landslides, mud floods, land subsidence, and sinkholes provide valuable insights that aid in the development of effective mitigation measures for failed slopes.

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