Main Service
State mineral resource management
Risk management for state geological hazard
JMG's expertise and knowledge of the earth's natural processes, along with its detailed geohazard mapping, will assure sound development planning.
Monitoring and reinforcement of the mining and quarrying
JMG is responsible for administering and enforcing the Mineral Development Act 1994, Quarry Rules, and Regulations related to them for mineral commercialization in countries. Besides that, JMG is also involved in helping enforce other state mineral laws, such as the State Mineral Enactment.
Management of underground water sources in the country
The purpose of this guideline is to describe the administration of ICT as a mechanism for administering and implementing ICT-related tasks within the Department of Minerals and Geosciences Malaysia (JMG) in accordance with and subject to directives and regulations with legal authority.
Mapping and characterization of geology and heritage geology
In accordance with the establishment of the National Geopark Authority, JMG played a more active role in mapping heritage geology and designating geotreads for publication and geopark development. Geopark concept development initiatives under the auspices of UNESCO have been demonstrated to increase tourism activities in a region and generate economic benefits for the local community and the nation.
Mineral exploration, development and commercialization(R&D&C)
Mineral Investigation Centre (PPM) is the Department's research and development (R&D) division. PPM conducts research and development initiatives related to clay, silica, rock, and the most advanced materials. To promote the sustainable exploitation of mineral resources, research and development is also conducted in the areas of mineral processing technology, mining, quarrying, and the recovery of stopes and quarries. Research and development (R&D) at PPM is primarily focused on adding value to commodity products derived from local mineral sources.
Annual Report JMG
This Annual Report is a means of documenting the accomplishments of the position throughout the year for the public's perusal now and in the future in relation to the major programmes and activities.